
The Sports Industry Pension Fund The career of a professional footballer is - at best - a short one, and for those unfortunate players who suffer serious injury, it can be an all-too-brief flirtation with the beautiful game.. Due to the financial uncertainty in football it is now even more important than ever that players invest , hence the Footballers Union of Zimbabwe launched The Sports industry Pension Fund in 2014 with leading pensions and employee benefit service provider Cormatons Consultants been appointed as Administrators of the Scheme The normal age of retirement of this scheme is 40 years This Pension Scheme offers: 1. Death inn Service Benefit – if one passes on the scheme after having contributed the minimum of $25 the scheme will release a minimum $6000 to assist with the burial arrangements to your chosen beneficiaries 2. Ill Health Retirement –if ones career is cut short by an injury he/she will get an ill health on medical ground .One will get 25 % of his salary till death (if the salary is $1000 dollars , one will get $250 till death) 3. Normal Retirement- Upon retirement u get a third of your savings as lump sum and then the two thirds as monthly instalment till death We all live the dream of securing our financial future from playing football, but only a minority actually do. And too often players wait until the last contract before thinking about what to do after their involvement in the game ends. For more information visit FUZ offices